A calculator is a device for performing mathematical calculations, distinguished from a computer by having a limited problem solving ability and an interface optimized for interactive calculation rather than programming. Calculators can be hardware or software, and mechanical or electronic, and are often built into devices such as PDAs or mobile phones.
Modern electronic calculators are generally small, digital, (often pocket-sized) and usually inexpensive. In addition to general purpose calculators, there are those designed for specific markets; for example, there are scientific calculators which focus on advanced math like trigonometry and statistics, or even have the ability to do computer algebra. Also graphing calculators can be used to graph equations. Modern calculators are more portable than most computers, though most PDAs are comparable in size to handheld calculators.
The market for calculators is extremely price-sensitive, to an even greater extent than the personal computer market; typically the user desires the least expensive model having a specific feature set, but does not care much about speed (since speed is constrained by how fast the user can press the buttons). Thus designers of calculators strive to minimize the number of logic elements on the chip, not the number of clock cycles needed to do a computation.
For instance, instead of a hardware multiplier, a calculator might implement floating point mathematics with code in ROM, and compute trigonometric functions with the CORDIC algorithm because CORDIC does not require hardware floating-point. Bit serial logic designs are more common in calculators whereas bit parallel designs dominate general-purpose computers, because a bit serial design minimizes the languages chip complexity, but takes many more clock cycles. (Again, the line blurs with high-end calculators, which use processor chips associated with computer and embedded systems design, particularly the Z80, MC68000, and ARM architectures, as well as some custom designs specifically made for the calculator market.)
Features, Functions and Enhanced Solutions In Calculations
- Addition, subtraction , Multiplication & dividation Of Imperial Units
- Cubic Foot Calculation ( Multiplication of Three Imperial Units )
- Area Brace calculation ( 100 Sq. foot = 1 A. Barce)
- Volume Brace calculation ( 1000 Cu. foot = 1 V Barce)
- Running Meter Calculation ( foot-Inch- Fraction to Meter )
- Running Inch Calculation ( foot-Inch- Fraction to Inch )
- Foot-Inch- Fraction ( Inch to foot-Inch- Fraction )
- Area Converter Sq. foot to Sq. Meter
- Area Converter Sq. Meter to Sq. foot
Additional Features
- Large Multi-position Display LCD
- Backspace Key: Makes it easy to change just-entered values
- Pi Key , for your one touch 9 decimal fraction Insertion
- One touch converter keys
- Robust ABS Material
- Standard Calculations: Works as a math calculator with +, -, x, ÷, Π
- Automatic Shut-Off extends battery life
Civil Calculator Desktop Specifications
- Size
5.4 x 5.3 x 1.1" (137x 135 x 28 mm)
- Product Weight (product only with battery)
304 gms.
- Power
3-volt lithium (CR-2032) battery (included)
- Battery Life
Approx. 3,000 hours usage
- Auto Shut-off
5-6 min.
- Keypad
31 keys; plastic keys
- User's Guide
110 pp.; 5.6 x 8.5" (142.2 x 215.9 mm)
- Warranty
1-Year Limited Warranty
- Case
Not available for larger, desktop models
- Operating Temperature
32-130 deg. F (0-55 deg. C)
- Display Type
LCD segment; 11 digits (10 normal, 1 fractions), with full annunciates
- Display Dimensions
1.14 x 4.33" (29 x 110 mm)